What is the Planning Commission?
The Planning Commission was implemented for the purpose of protecting the public health, safety, comfort, convenience, and general welfare; regulating the development of subdivided areas; promoting arrangement of streets and layout of lots; providing for adequate and convenient provision of open spaces, utilities, recreation, and access to service and emergency vehicles; providing for adequate provision of water, drainage, sewer, and other sanitary facilities; providing for administration of these regulations; and defining the powers and duties of the administrative officers as well as providing penalties for the violation of the provisions.
The Planning Commission Office is responsible for Building Permits for residential properties and Flood Plain Reviews for ANY structure built in a flood area.
When does the Planning Commission meet?
The Jackson County Planning Commission meets the 2nd Tuesday every month at 11:00 a.m. in the Jackson County Fire Department Annex building on Pearl Street in Jackson, until they can safely meet in the office of the Jackson County Commissioners.
Should Easements, Lot/Property Splits, etc. be submitted ahead of the meeting?
Yes. All ingress and egress easements, Lot and Property splits, etc. should be submitted to the GIS Mapping Department, a division of the Jackson County Engineer, by 4:00 p.m. the day prior to the meeting.
Location: 3062 Clary Road, Jackson Ohio.
Hours: Monday through Friday 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.
Telephone number: (740) 286-2375 or (740) 286-4139
Website: jcengr.net/map-office
Email: chris@jcengr.net or gregg@jcengr.net
Where can I obtain a Building Permit?
The Planning Commission Office is located on the second floor of the Jackson County Health Department.
Fee: $50.00
Location: 200 E Main Street (second floor of the Health Dept.)
Hours: 8am-4pm
Email: jacksoncoema@yahoo.com
Phone: 740-286-5630
Jackson County Building Regulations
Jackson County Flood Damage Prevention Resolution
Jackson County Subdivision Regulations